NU5G, Jon, at his station in Henderson. |
For this month's featured shack, we peek in on NU5G's station. Although Jon is a relative late comer to ham radio, what he missed out on in time, he's made up for with an avid spirit of exploration. Jon tells the story best in his own words.

I have always had a passion for electronics and when Christy and I got married, I got a formal introduction to Ham Radio. Her family was full of heavy hitters in Ham. Her dad, Gerald (AD5Z), got me hooked and then has been my Elmer when I was lost and scratching my head. Christy’s Grandmother, Nell (WA5JOC), embodied the spirt of ham like no other, serving nearly three decades in the Ladies Auxiliary at Henderson Memorial Hospital. Lynn Roy (W5LD) was old school Ham radio. He helped start and operate KGRI here in town, was the Roy in Roy & Siler Radio Shack and an owner of Lynn Roy-Wayne Freeman Co. which sold and serviced Air Conditioning, Radios, and Televisions. I have a lot to live up to in order to carry on the torch.
I decided in 2009 that it was time to get my license. I studied hard and could not wait for a local session. Christy, Alexis and I drove to Crockett so I could take the test and in June of 2009 was